A cool box for my motorhome? I already have a nice fridge, thank you very much.
A cool box for my motorhome? I already have a nice fridge, thank you very much. A fair first reaction but if you dig a little deeper there's a solid rationale behind this approach to additional cooling power in your wheeled accommodation. We are the exclusive distributor of Icey-Tek, the original Australian-designed esky ice box from the late 90s. Every year we sell a good number of insulated cool boxes to owners of perfectly decent caravan / motorhome fridges, so let's take a look at what's going on.
Very often it comes down to a lack of space. As cleverly designed as modern interiors are, the capacity offered by in-built fridges can be limited. Load-up on milk, butter, eggs and a few basics and you're often struggling to squeeze-in that bottle of wine or beer – never a satisfactory situation! Many folks love to unwind with a cold (often alcoholic) drink when they are taking a well-earned break, this is where a quality cool box really comes into its own. Let's take the 18 Litre Icey-Tek Cool Box as an example. This tough little cooler with stainless steel handle is modest enough not to dominate your floor space in transit (38 x 38 x 35cm) but is spacious enough to hold 18 cans of drink along with ice or gel packs. As an added bonus these boxes are strong enough to sit on which makes them perfect if you are heading down to the beach or on a day trip.
If you follow the manufacturers recommendations and pre-cool your cool box before use you'll be setting yourself up for a box that's chilly from the off. This means it will last even longer before needing a top-up of ice or refreshed gel packs. Most campsites offer a chest freezer for your gel ice packs so be sure to double-up and switch them over every few days for chilly drinks throughout your stay. Bonus tip: be sure to clearly label your gel packs to deter light-fingered opportunists!
The five star rated Icey-Tek 18 Litre Cool Box With Handle is available at £99 (including mainland UK delivery) exclusively from https://www.coolboxesuk.com/products/icey-tek-18-litre-cube-cool-box-with-handle. If you're looking for a way to organise your cool box contents be sure to take a look at the optional dry goods basket and compartment divers, along with the Icey-Tek Small Gel Ice Packs.