We love Cool boxes - our customers love Cool Boxes UK!
“I just wanted to write and say that I love my cool box- it really is the Federer of cool boxes! I don’t think other people get quite as excited as I do when I tell them about my amazing cool box."
We have been selling cool boxes in the UK, Europe and countries worldwide since 2005. The Icey-Tek range of cool boxes came to our attention whilst on holiday in Australia, and we were really impressed. We had not seen a cool box like those in the UK - they were robust and able to keep things cold for a long time without power and we liked the fun choice of coloured boxes too. Icey-tek is an Australian company and they certainly know a thing or two about keeping things cool - (no Aussie would want a warm beer or watch his fish spoil on a hot deck - so why should we) and so started our love of cool boxes.
Cool Boxes UK is a family run business & we only sell cool boxes - so we know our products inside out and are passionate about what we do. We take great pride in the standard of service that we provide and are always on hand to offer help or advice. You tell us our cool boxes are the best on the market – and we love to hear the thousand and one ways you use to them to make to your life better…. from multi nationals saving thousands on storage and transportation costs to young parents storing baby food for fab family holidays - we love all the stories and videos you send us…keep them coming! After all, you are a big part of what makes Cool Boxes UK so great.
” Thank you for your prompt cooperation, it has been a pleasure to collaborate with your company, really professional and fast in replying. In future, if we will need to supply other cool boxes I will contact you! Now goods are all in Genova ready to leave for Africa!”
“Hello! Confirming our telephone call yesterday that the ice box was received in good order yesterday afternoon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your friendly and quick service. In about a week the box should have a coating of red dust in rural Uganda”
If you have any questions about buying your cool boxes please contact us either by e-mail: sales@coolboxesuk.com