Piping hot pasta bake for rugby players

Piping hot pasta bake for rugby players

Thanks to Stuart for sharing this one. He cooked-up four trays of tasty pasta bake for his son's rugby team over the weekend. His trusty Icey-Tek kept the food piping hot throughout the match and was met with a fantastic reception from the team.

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Use your ICEY-TEK cool box to create amazing sourdough... yes, honestly!

Use your ICEY-TEK cool box to create amazing sourdough... yes, honestly!

If you bake your own sourdough bread you'll know that a cold house is really detrimental to your starter and the consistency of your results. We've been baking our own sourdough with varied success for many years. Our house gets very cold overnight and our sourdough starter really suffers.
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The Smokey Carter

The Smokey Carter

Excited to try these awesome looking BBQ rubs & sauces from The Smokey Carter. Not only did they send us these goodies but we also received some cool stickers and beer mats... 
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🍦 Introducing The Ice Cream Boat Co - one of our cool customers 🍦

🍦 Introducing The Ice Cream Boat Co - one of our cool customers 🍦

Tim and his crew are long-time Icey-Tek users as you can see below. They have the fantastic job of bringing ice creams right up to the shoreline from Sandbanks to Poole, Dorset. Keep and eye and ear (yes they have chimes) out for them next time you are in the area. 
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Hot Dog!

Hot Dog!

Thanks to long time customer Luke for sharing this great photo of his star doggie, Icey-Tek cool box and awesome custom seat cushion. All set aboard his boat ready for some serious fishing this year.

What's not to love about this cool combination! ❄️

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Pizza Dough, Volkswagens and Icey-Tek!

Pizza Dough, Volkswagens and Icey-Tek!

As the seller of Icey-Tek Cool Boxes and a lover of pizza and classic Volkswagens these photos makes me smile!
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Cool Customer Case Study - Bude Harbour, Cornwall

Cool Customer Case Study - Bude Harbour, Cornwall

Bude Harbour is a unique place. Surrounding the Harbour Master's office is a stretch of the Bude canal, Grade II listed sea lock gates, quaint houses, and a long stretch of beach which, at the time of visiting, was packed with happy holiday makers.
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